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    The Return to Witcombe 2023

    Our Riot Rehab Bus returned to Gloucester for this year’s Witcombe Festival 2023 - after the resounding success of last year.

    The Return to Witcombe 2023

    Our Riot Rehab Bus returned to Gloucester for this year’s Witcombe Festival 2023 - after the resounding success of last year. The festival's electric energy and thrilling lineup set the stage for a weekend of an unforgettable experience. Let's dive into how the weekend unfolded during this year's festival.

    Grooving into the Beat

    The festival's pulse quickened on Friday as renowned artists like Charlie Sloth and Bugzy Malone took the main stage, infusing the air with their musical prowess. Amidst the beats and melodies, the Riot Rehab Bus stood proudly, positioned strategically in the heart of the event. Our in-house DJs kept the energy flowing, creating an ambience where festival-goers couldn't help but surrender to the rhythm and enjoy our Riot Bars.

    Embracing the Spirit Despite the Weather

    While the weather on Saturday wasn't ideal, with rain casting its presence, it failed to dampen the spirits of festival-goers. Saturday's lineup featured stars like Bad Boy Chiller Crew, Chase & Status, and Tom Zanetti, who not only graced the stage but also got hands-on with our Riot Bars. Despite the raindrops, the festival spirit remained unbroken, and the party continued to thrive. Tom Zanetti's encounter with our Riot Bars became a highlight of the festival. Tom's appreciation for our bars became a testament to the innovation and quality that Riot E-Liquid offers.

    A Flavourful Farewell

    As the weekend drew to a close, the Riot Rehab Bus hosted a crescendo of music, echoing the festival's vibrancy one last time. The allure of our Riot Bars drew customers back for seconds and thirds, underlining the appeal of our unique flavours. Punchy. Icy. Sweet as F**K! The festival's grand finale was graced by none other than Rag'N' Bone Man, adding a spectacular performance to conclude the weekend.

    Embracing the Riot Movement

    Witcombe 2023 wasn't just about music; it was about fostering connections and inspiring positive change. The Riot Rehab Bus served as a hub of conversations, where individuals shared their stories and experiences. The allure of our Riot Bars was more than just our flavours; it was about embracing a healthier alternative to traditional smoking.

    As the echoes of music and memories fade, the Riot team remains committed to its mission. Witcombe 2023 was a testament to the power of music, camaraderie, and making informed choices. The impact of the festival lingers, reminding us that embracing the Riot movement goes beyond a weekend—it's about choosing a path towards a healthier and more flavourful future.

    Join the Riot Movement

    Ready to embark on your own quitting journey? Discover the Riot Bars that stole the spotlight at Witcombe 2023 here and head to for support on your journey.