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    Illegal Vape Market in the UK: A Serious Threat to Public Health and Legitimate Retailers

    What You Need to Know and How You Can Help We need to talk about something serious. The illegal vape market in the UK is a huge problem and it's...

    Illegal Vape Market in the UK: A Serious Threat to Public Health and Legitimate Retailers

    What You Need to Know and How You Can Help

    We need to talk about something serious. The illegal vape market in the UK is a huge problem and it's time for the government to step up and take action. The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) is calling on the government to provide Trading Standards with the resources they need to tackle the trade of illegal vaping products.

    A new survey out today shows that 61% of enforcement officers in Trading Standards across the UK don't believe they have the resources to tackle the illicit tobacco market. This is unacceptable and it's a threat to legitimate retailers and the health of individuals purchasing these products.

    We at Riot Eliquid are committed to responsibility and doing things the right way. That's why we fully support ACS's call to action and we encourage our community to do the same. We also recommend checking out ACS's comprehensive guidance for retailers which includes everything they need to know to recognize legitimate products and the age verification policies that should be in place. You can find the full guidance here:

    On March 1st, ACS will be hosting a Responsible Retailing Seminar which will feature a breakout session focusing on everything retailers need to know about the responsible sale of vaping products and the challenges that the vaping market presents. If you're a retailer or interested in learning more, check out the link

    We can't sit idly by and watch the illegal vape market thrive. It's time for the government to take action and for retailers to take responsibility. Together, we can make sure that everyone is vaping safely and responsibly.

    Vape on, but do it the right way.

    Riot Eliquid