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    What Happens to Your Body After You Quit Smoking?

    Have you been thinking about quitting smoking? If so, you're not alone. Everyone knows it can be quite a challenge but the habitual change is life-changing. After all, health is...

    what happens to your body after you quit smoking

    Have you been thinking about quitting smoking? If so, you're not alone. Everyone knows it can be quite a challenge but the habitual change is life-changing. After all, health is wealth, so what are you waiting for?

    The month of April is celebrated as Vapril - Vaping Awareness month to encourage smokers to quit smoking with the help of vaping products. As there is a lot of misinformation about vaping, Vapril is for providing evidence-based facts about the benefits of vaping, so smokers may make the right decisions instead of just relying on surface knowledge.

    Your body goes through a lot of changes when you quit smoking, and it's important to know what to expect. Initially, you may experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms, but fast-forward just a few weeks and you will start seeing a substantial improvement in your health.

    In this blog post, we'll take a deeper look at what happens to your body after you quit smoking. Learning about the positive changes in your body will finally encourage you to give up smoking for better health.

    What Happens When You Quit?

    What happens to your body after you quit smoking infographic
    what happens to your body after you quit smoking

    It takes time for the body to go from the withdrawal stage to the healing stage once you quit smoking. Besides, you must not expect any instant results. Here is a timeline of things that might happen after you quit smoking:

    Twenty minutes after quitting

    The effects of quitting smoking don't kick in immediately. It takes at least up to 20 minutes for the body to feel the benefits of not smoking. Within this time frame, your body might start to experience a series of changes that signal the beginning of the healing process.

    Cigarette smoke contains high levels of carbon monoxide which competes with oxygen for binding sites in red blood cells. As a result, less oxygen is able to reach tissues and organs, and eventually your heart rate and blood pressure increase.

    However, in mere 20 minutes of not smoking, these vitals can return to normal levels as your body may no longer have excess carbon monoxide or lack of oxygen.

    Twelve hours after quitting

    The first twelve hours after you smoke your last cigarette are critical in terms of resetting your body and beginning the healing process. It's this time interval after which, the carbon monoxide levels drop, and oxygen levels return to normal.

    This is also when nicotine levels start to fall, and you may begin to feel withdrawal symptoms like cravings, irritability, impatience, trouble concentrating, anxiety, depression, or frustration. However, these withdrawal symptoms are only temporary.

    Two weeks after quitting

    Within two weeks of quitting smoking, the lung function begins to improve, and your breathing eases. The cilia in your lungs also begin to work better, which helps to clear mucus and other debris from the lungs.

    Your risk of developing a heart attack also decreases within just two weeks of quitting smoking. This is because of the presence of nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes that constrict the blood vessels. This increases blood pressure and makes it harder for the heart to pump blood. When you quit smoking, these effects begin to reverse, and your blood pressure starts to return to normal.

    When you smoke, the smoke from cigarettes gets into your sinuses and throat. It also coats your taste buds in a film, reducing your ability to taste food properly. Over time, this reduces your sense of smell too. But just a couple of weeks of not smoking can improve your olfactory sense and taste and you’ll be able to enjoy food and smells much better.

    2-9 weeks after quitting

    Nine weeks after quitting smoking, the body may feel healthier overall. You'll have less mucus and phlegm, your skin may improve, and you'll have more energy. Your sense of taste and smell may further improve, and you'll be able to breathe better. Your risk of developing cancer can also decrease. Moreover, the blood circulation can return to an optimal state with a reduced risk of developing infections.

    One year after quitting

    The link between smoking and heart disease is well-established. Smoking is a leading cause of coronary heart disease, which is the buildup of plaque in the arteries that can lead to chest pain, heart attack, and stroke. By this time the risk of developing coronary heart disease reduces by 50%.

    Nevertheless, quitting smoking at any age can greatly reduce the risk of developing heart disease. In case you already have coronary heart disease, quitting smoking can help slow its progression and improve overall health.

    Five years after quitting

    After four-five years, your risk of heart and lung diseases, cervical, and bladder cancer may decrease. It may also reduce the probability of getting a stroke. Additionally, breathing and circulation may improve, and you'll be less likely to get colds or contract other respiratory illnesses.

    Ten years after quitting

    Ten years after quitting smoking, the body undergoes significant changes. The risks of developing tobacco-related diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, are dramatically reduced.

    Your chances of developing different cancer of the pancreas, bladder, kidney, larynx, throat, and oesophagus decrease up to 50% in comparison to other smokers. Ex-smokers may have the same risks for these diseases as people who have never smoked.

    Quitting smoking also has a positive impact on your physical health. Walking becomes easier as you may feel less out of breath. Former smokers also tend to live longer than those who continue to smoke. So if you're thinking about quitting smoking, know that you're doing your body a huge favour!

    Quit Smoking with Riot this Vapril

    If you're looking for a way to improve your health and take back control of your life, quitting smoking is the way to go. It might not be easy, but it'll be worth it in the end. We hope this article offers some insights into what happens to your body after you quit smoking and that you feel inspired to make a change.

    In the month of Vapril, you can successfully quit smoking with the help of Riot vaping products. With controlled vaping, you may be able to manage nicotine withdrawals better. Vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking and it's one of the most effective smoking cessation tools. In the vaping awareness month of April, you may find specialist advice and support from experts to finally make the switch.