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    Rishi Sunak's Bold Anti-Smoking Vision

    Rishi Sunak contemplates some of the world's strictest anti-smoking measures. As we discuss these measures, we shed light on the pivotal role vaping plays as a smoking cessation tool. Learn more in our latest blog and discover how Riot Rehab supports this vision.

    Rishi Sunak's Bold Anti-Smoking Vision

    Rishi Sunak is currently exploring the implementation of some of the globe's most stringent anti-smoking policies. These measures could effectively prevent the next generation from purchasing cigarettes, taking inspiration from New Zealand's approach. New Zealand introduced similar policies in December last year, progressively raising the legal smoking age and eventually barring anyone born after January 1, 2009, from buying tobacco.

    Furthermore, Sunak's proposal to fine individuals £10 for missing GP or hospital appointments may be revisited, though this decision carries political sensitivity. This idea was introduced by the Prime Minister during his campaign in the Summer of 2022 but seemed to fade away when he assumed office last autumn.

    A New Zealand-style anti-smoking policy would essentially phase out cigarette sales for the next generation. Under the former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand also legislated to reduce the nicotine content of tobacco products and restricted their sale to specialty tobacco stores, moving away from convenience stores and supermarkets.

    Amidst these discussions, it is crucial to recognise the role of vaping as a smoking cessation tool. While the reduction of smoking rates is a fundamental objective, vaping has emerged as a potent tool to help individuals quit smoking. Initiatives like the "swap to stop" scheme, offering free vape kits to smokers, and voucher schemes incentivising pregnant women to give up smoking are steps in the right direction. However, it's equally essential to consider vaping as part of the solution.

    Smoking undeniably poses health risks, causing numerous health issues and burdening healthcare systems. The ambition to become smoke-free by 2030 is commendable, but it's equally vital to acknowledge vaping's potential as a smoking cessation tool. As discussions continue, finding a balanced approach that encourages quitting while considering alternatives like vaping is essential. Riot Rehab wholeheartedly supports this vision, offering resources and support for individuals on their journey to a smoke-free life.

    For advice and information on how you can start your journey to a smoke-free future head to