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    Introducing King Charles' Fingers: Our Royal and Unique Vape Collection!

    Prepare yourselves for a royally cheeky twist to your vaping experience! With King Charles' Coronation just around the corner, we've created a new and unique collection of memorabilia that is...


    Prepare yourselves for a royally cheeky twist to your vaping experience! With King Charles' Coronation just around the corner, we've created a new and unique collection of memorabilia that is sure to tickle your funny bone.

    We proudly present the Coronation Collection: a set of 10 disposable vapes designed to resemble the famous fingers of King Charles himself. Yes, you read that correctly – soon, you'll be able to puff away on one of the King's regal digits, complete with his iconic sovereign pinky ring. Of course, we suggest that you might prefer to keep these treasures as collector's items for the future.

    It's estimated that Brits will spend a staggering £300m on Coronation memorabilia, including cups, tea towels, spoons, and other souvenirs. However, according to memorabilia expert Daniel Wade of Paul Fraser Collectibles, it's the unique and limited-edition items that stand the best chance of becoming valuable collector's pieces in years to come.

    Our Riot Coronation Collection is just that – a limited-edition treasure trove of intricately designed vapes, each shaped and sized to mimic King Charles' fingers, down to the finest detail. Even the vape flavours pay homage to the Royal occasion, with options like Victoria Sponge, Scotch Egg, Breakfast Tea, Coronation Chicken, and Champagne.

    Royal events have long been associated with quirky and unusual memorabilia – remember the teabags and toilet seats featuring Will & Kate's faces? As the Coronation countdown begins, our CEO, Ben Johnson, shares his inspiration behind this unique collection:

    "Prince Phillip was a heavy smoker, Prince Harry loved a fag, and even the Queen Consort enjoyed lighting up. At an important juncture in our Royal timeline, we wanted to commemorate King Charles with this unique 10-piece collection based on the King's famous digits. With PHE (Public Health England) backing e-cigarettes as the best tool to quit tobacco, and the Government launching their own initiatives, we wanted to create a bit of Royal history when choosing e-cigarettes over tobacco is so front of mind. It's a bit of Coronation fun, but based on the expert comments, the collection could make you more than 10-digits richer in 50 years-time."

    Don't let this opportunity go up in smoke – grab your very own piece of Royal vaping history here. Cheers to the King and his fabulous fingers!