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    Dustbin Dave Signs first major bin deal with us at Riot Labs

    The Norfolk man has become the face of our new recycling bin scheme - designed to tackle the negative impact of disposable e-cigarettes on the environment. "Dustbin Dave", who shot...

    Dustbin Dave Signs first major bin deal with us at Riot Labs

    The Norfolk man has become the face of our new recycling bin scheme - designed to tackle the negative impact of disposable e-cigarettes on the environment.

    "Dustbin Dave", who shot to overnight fame for his love of photographing dustbins, has penned his first major brand deal with us at Riot Labs on 25th February 2022.

    This week, we’ve signed up the Norfolk man to be the face of our new recycling bin scheme. Dustbin Dave, real name Dave Clark, shot to prominence last week after his "wacky" hobby was revealed.

    The 51-year-old has appeared on national TV and dozens of other news outlets, as he lifted the lid on his quest to photograph public bins in the UK - with unique designs, size and location earning top marks.

    And it seems the dustbin stars aligned after we contacted Dave to be the face of our new recycling initiative that launches nationwide this week.

    We are proud to be the first company in the world to create a carbon negative disposable e-cigarette - QBAR - and with the help of Dustbin Dave, are now rolling out our distinctive recycling bins across the nation.

    A staggering 15-million disposable e-cigarettes end up in landfill each month in the UK - contributing to hazardous waste, carbon emissions and non-adherence to environmental regulations.

    Britain's most famous bin photographer will be responsible for supporting the photographic documentation of each recycling bin, as they are installed in UK towns and cities.

    Dave was in Norwich last week to photograph the latest recycling bins to be rolled out - and meet officials here at Riot Labs.

    dustbin dave

    Commenting on the deal, which includes an undisclosed fee, Dave said:

    "It's been an absolutely crazy week, and the phone hasn't stopped ringing with requests for media interviews.

    Someone at Riot Labs heard me on the radio and contacted me with the offer to front their new recycling bin scheme.

    I am a vaper myself, but I didn't realise the impact of disposable e-cigarettes on the environment. I'm really impressed with QBAR, which is fully carbon negative, and the recycling initiatives that have been launched.

    In terms of the bin, she's a real beauty. The weirder the bin the better for my photographs, and this one from Riot Labs is an interesting shape and size. I'm looking forward to photographing more of them as they are installed around the country."

    Ben Johnson, Riot Labs Founder and CEO, said:

    "The week we launch a new recycling bin initiative, Britain's only public bin photographer shoots to fame - the dustbin gods must have been looking down on us.

    We're so pleased to have signed the deal with Dustbin Dave to front the rollout of our QBAR recycling scheme.

    There is a lack of education around disposable e-cigarettes being recyclable - when in fact they do not end up being recycled. The batteries and plastics still end up in landfill and this is creating untold harm to the environment.

    We're proud to say QBAR is the world's first carbon-negative vape, and the rollout of the recycling bins is a big step to sparking a rethink on how vapers can behave more sustainably."

    dustbin dave and riot recycle

    The Riot Recycle program makes it simple for stores and customers to recycle their devices. Consumers can drop their QBARs off at Riot Recycling Bins and all locations are searchable at